Reducing the cost of the energy transition

Smart Grid for Free

In this 25 minute presentation to the Ohio PUC on July 26, 2017 as part of the Power Forward initiative, Wired Group President Paul Alvarez summarizes 7 years of experience regarding best practices in grid modernization planning and post-deployment benefit maximization for customers.  The presentation identifies challenges to securing the benefits available from grid modernization, from the throughput incentive and rate case timing to investor-owned utility capital bias and the design of capacity markets.   Select this link to view the video.     

Clean Power Plans and the Smart Grid

In this open letter to US electric consumers, Wired Group President Paul Alvarez explains why fundamental reform of utility regulation and governance is a critical and immediate need.  Select this link to read the letter.   

The Smart Grid Made Simple Webcast Series

If you're serious about maximizing customer benefits from smart grid investments, The Smart Grid Made Simple webcast series is for you. Patterned after Wired Group President Paul Alvarez's book, Smart Grid Hype and Reality -- A Systems Approach to Maximizing Customer Return on Utility Investment​the series of 3 webcasts (each about 15 minutes)  describes our perspective on the value of various smart grid capabilities, the drivers and limiters of customer benefit, and implications and emerging best practices for utilities and stakeholders. Podcasts are also available for download.


